Enabling Access to
Life-Saving Therapies

Offering consultancy services for healthcare organisations to ensure timely access and reimbursement for
life-saving therapies.

At Valence Consultancy, I understand the urgency and importance of timely access to effective treatments. Many of us have experienced the pain of losing a loved one to illness. This deeply personal experience fuels my mission to ensure that no patient has to wait unnecessarily for life-saving treatment.

As former payer, I also understand the boundaries of solidarity and the increasing pressure that the health care budget forms on national expenditures. Finding balanced solutions that benefit patients, innovation, and society en large is key.



Navigating complex reimbursement systems can be daunting...

Specialized support to help with  these challenges:

Navigating the System

Our expertise in the Dutch healthcare reimbursement landscape ensures that you can confidently and efficiently move through the process, avoiding potential delays and restrictions.

Administrative & Scientific Support

Whether you need additional hands for the administrative tasks or scientific substantiation of your application, we’re here to provide the support you need.

Independent Perspective

I offer a fresh, unbiased viewpoint on your application, helping to ensure that all aspects are thoroughly considered and optimized for success.



Services for market access and reimbursement

Specialized support to help with challenges:



Caroline van der Meijden, PhD

Caroline is driven to improve care for patients. Whether via basic cancer research, which she performed for her PhD studies at UMASS Medical school, USA in collaboration with Utrecht University, the Netherlands, clinical development of cell therapy at biotech Kiadis Pharma (currently Sanofi), assessment of drugs at the Dutch Health Care Institute, or reimbursement and market access, and communication activities at Pharma companies, optimizing care has always been the objective. After three years as European reimbursement director for genome expression test developer Agendia, she started Valence Consultancy to share her expertise more broadly.

Get in touch


code of conduct

Values & Behaviour

Patients First

All activities will be conducted to ultimately improve the lives of patients and their loved ones.


All information shared by clients will be concealed (according to the law). Valence Consultancy will act with fiduciary prudence.

Conflict of Interests

Any potential conflict of interests will be openly disclosed. If an action may be perceived as a potential conflict of interests, adequate measures will be taken with the client’s interests foremost in mind.


Communication will be based on Science – as the state of knowing rather than ignorance or misunderstanding. With an understanding for how biases and interests may colour perceptions and interpretations.


With an endless range of solutions to support your organisation, the aim of Valence Consultancy is to help you identify those that will result in win-win solutions for patients, you, and society at large.